Economic criminal law
In the field of economic criminal law we offer the following legal services:
- assessment of white collar crime and fraud risk – depending on the Clients’ needs, our Law Firm’s services include a full range of research on their business or individual elements affecting the possibility of risk for the business, including legal advice in conducting internal proceedings and in the field of collecting and assessing evidence in terms of its further procedural suitability;
- legal advice in the field of civil claims in criminal proceedings – our Law Firm provides legal support in pursuing all civil claims in criminal proceedings, including in particular compensation for the damage or compensation for the harm, as well as exemptions;
- assistance to the aggrieved person – the Law Firm’s support includes assistance to victims of a crime who want to initiate criminal proceedings, protecting their interests by preparing a notification of suspected crime, filing application for securing property derived from crime, as well as damage compensation obligation or claims after discontinuance of the pending criminal proceedings;
- representation in preparatory proceedings – our Law Firm’s legal assistance covers the defense of a person suspected of committing crime in all types of criminal proceedings from the moment when the charges were presented, as well as in the event of their detention; support in this regard includes taking evidence and striving to obtain a favorable settlement by discontinuing criminal proceedings or consensual ending of a dispute;
- representation in court proceedings – at the stage of court proceedings, our Law Firm undertakes ongoing service of a criminal case from the moment it is brought to the court; we aim to obtain a favorable decision for the accused or the aggrieved person; our Team’s experts develop a trial strategy in connection with other pending proceedings, e.g. tax proceedings; representing Clients in court proceedings at first and the second instance, including drafting appeals;
- representing Clients in extraordinary proceedings – our Law Firm’s experts analyze the possibility of bringing extraordinary appeals, in particular a cassation appeal and appeal against a decision of the appellate court or an application for resuming criminal proceedings;
- training board members in the field of criminal liability – our Law Firm provides advises on criminal liability aspects; we conduct training on the principles of criminal liability, the stages of the criminal proceedings, the rights and obligations of the parties, as well as typical crimes concerning companies.
Our lawyers have represented Clients in proceedings concerning white collar crimes related to VAT carousel fraud, excise tax fraud, so-called “bid rigging”, irregularities in the re-privatization of Warsaw land or the so-called “drug mafia” as well as crimes on the Forex market, leading to obtaining favorable decisions for Clients.
In addition, our experts have defended Clients in cases of drug crime, international organized crime as well as construction and traffic accidents.
Members of our Law Firm’s Team have represented the aggrieved person, which resulted in obtaining security for property derived from crime, as well as obligation to redress the damage.